Shaping the Future of Capital Markets

159 Registered Allowed team size: 3 - 6
159 Registered Allowed team size: 3 - 6

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Mar 24, 2022, 08:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Mar 25, 2022, 12:00 PM UTC (UTC)

Digital Asset

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About Digital Asset

Digital Asset designs and delivers technology that reshapes legacy systems and workflows into efficient, secure, and interconnected applications. Digital Asset's industry and technology experts come from the markets we serve, giving us deep knowledge and insight into the problems our customers face. We work closely with customers to drive measurable business value and help them enhance their business through a mesh of connected networks. Daml, Digital Asset’s core technology, is a platform for building multi-party applications. It extracts and simplifies business processes to make data accessible and optimizes workflows using smart contracts.

visit the Digital Asset website

enter image description here Daml overview

Daml is a functional programming language that abstracts the code from the underlying ledger, meaning developers do not need to learn or implement complex systems code. This de-risks projects and many of the unique Daml benefits come from this abstraction approach; ledger agnosticism, data privacy and consistency, app portability, future proofing, efficiency, speed to market and network interoperability. Daml was created with features that make it uniquely suitable for modeling complex business processes and executing multi-party workflows, including; immutable contracts, industry-specific libraries, a strong type system, and integration options for existing legacy systems. Systems of record built with Daml securely connect across processes and data boundaries while retaining privacy, guaranteeing data integrity, and enforcing strict authorization. Allowing such systems to cross boundaries — legal, regulatory, organizational, or other — enables them to form seamless economic networks. Daml apps can leverage pre-built drivers to connect to traditional databases or enterprise scale DLTs. Digital Asset also offers a managed service solution, Daml Hub, which we envisage as the primary platform for developing and hosting Daml App hackathon entries.

Daml - Available resources

  • Daml is an open source language that anyone can start learning and using today. We provide web based learning modules here and free pre-recorded training videos here.
  • The download and setup of the SDK/IDE/Sandbox/Toolset for creating Daml apps is detailed in the above links and also here, and we also provide a free community edition driver for connecting a Daml app to a Postgres storage layer if required by entrants here.
  • We would expect most entrants to leverage our managed service offering, Daml Hub, as the platform for hosting and running their Daml app hackathon entries.
  • Daml Hub provides free dev accounts and our dev community can avail of free advice and support online on our Daml forum here, which is moderated by our community team. As the free Daml Hub developer accounts are perpetual, entrants can continue to utilise the platform post the event to further develop their POC’s.
  • Both our local sandbox environment and our online Hub can run Daml apps and provide an auto generated test app interface to accelerate development, but the final GUI layer and its implementation is down to the entrants and their use case needs.
  • While creators of Daml apps own their own IP, there are also open source building block components available for all customers, which can act as development accelerators. These building block templates can be found here and additional sample functional module implementations can be found in our open source marketplace demonstration code repository here.
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